The Creatives: Raya from Raya Was Here

'The Creatives' is a series of interviews that aim to showcase inspiring women in the creative area and the art and design scene. Together we talk not only about trends and fashion but our daily lives, motivation, challenges, and doing business.

Raya is a fellow Bulgarian that we’ve been following for years because of her never-ending positive energy. She’s a vlogger, traveller, content creator and overall a super cool girl with so many interesting adventures around the world, useful tips, fun spirit and relatable content.

You can find and follow Raya’s adventures here:

website instagram youtube

Being a travel vlogger you're probably getting out of your comfort zone pretty often. Tell us your tricks that push you to do the things you're scared of?

I think we work ourselves up by stressing about possible outcomes. I usually try to ask myself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” Most of the time, the worst thing that could happen is that you going for something you want didn’t work out and you’re right back where you started. However, if it does work out, you’re getting to live your dream. Seems like a no brainer when you think of it like that!

What are the best things that happened to you as a result of getting out of your comfort zone?

My whole life is thanks to me getting out of my comfort zone. I went to University in London without knowing anyone in the whole country. I left my life in New York to travel full time and pursue a career on Youtube when I had never filmed or edited a video. It breaks my heart to think of where I’d be now if I’d stayed in my comfort zone, and to realize how many people live their whole lives never leaving theirs.

You've travelled to so many places. If you have to choose one which brings the best memories or will always stay at your heart for a special reason, which one will it be?

My answer to this always changes but right now I’m really missing South Africa. I lived in Cape Town for 3 months last year and I’ve gone on multiple safari trips around the country. Honestly, I can’t even tell you how magical nature is there. In the middle of the major city, you can kayak with dolphins, swim with penguins and hike for sunrise. And don’t get me started on safaris - it’s easily the most magical thing I’ve ever done and I’m dying to go back!

You've mentioned that it was a long journey to come to term with your body and to learn to love it. Tell us a bit about that and what was the turning point?

It has definitely been a long uphill battle for me to get to where I am today, and I know I still have a long way to go. To be honest I’ve had a few big turning points (most of which I’ve shared on my Youtube channel) but most recently it’s really been helping me to feel gratitude for what my body actually does. Instead of hating my arms, focusing on how strong they are and what they help me do all day every day. Instead of judging my stomach, feeling the magic that is a woman’s body and reminding myself that hopefully one day I’ll be growing a baby in there. How could I reduce any part of my body to aesthetics when I am so beyond lucky to get to call it home?

What advice would you give other girls who struggle with accepting their bodies, especially in this Instagram driven world?

Remember that everybody is created differently. I used to compare myself to my thinner friends and think ‘If I just ate what she’s eating then I’ll look like her’. It honestly took me way too long to realize that if I eat as healthy as possible and workout several times a week, my body will still never look like some of the women I’m comparing myself to. It’s just not built to. As long as everyone focuses on nourishing their body and keeping it active - whatever your body looks like as a result is what it’s supposed to look like!

Outside of the travel industry, who are the creatives that inspire you? What are you reading, listening to or watching?

I’m actually transitioning my content right now from mainly travel to sharing my journey into conscious living. I’m loving consuming content that is helping me grow and then sharing my biggest lessons on my channel. Right now I’m reading Earth is Hiring by Peta Kelly, listening to the Hidden Brain podcast by NPR and watching This Is Us. I’m obsessed with all three!

How do you manage to separate your personal and professional life when sometimes they are often intertwined? 

This is definitely something I struggle with. For most people, scrolling through social media and watching Youtube videos is their downtime. Meanwhile, I can’t do it without my mind racing thinking of content ideas and work plans. What has made the biggest difference for me has been not bringing technology into the bedroom. I never ever bring my laptop in and most of the time I can leave my phone outside and just use an alarm clock to wake up. It’s great!

As a fellow Bulgarian can’t help but ask – what is your favourite place you’ve travelled to in Bulgaria?

Wow, this is a hard one! My favorite place has got to be my grandparents’ house in a village outside Ruse. I spent my summers growing up there, my grandparents grow all of their own fruit vegetables and it just brings me back to the beauty of simple living. If anyone travelling to Bulgaria has a chance to stay with a local family I’d so highly recommend it! I also love Nessebar on the seaside. It’s a beautiful ancient city right on the water and while it can get really touristy you just can’t overlook the history and beauty. Oh and the mountains of course!